• Astana, the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The state language is Kazakh, Russian has the status of a language of interethnic communication. The monetary unit is tenge.
• The administrative-territorial structure of the country includes 17 regions and 3 cities of republican significance.
• The population of Kazakhstan exceeds 20 million people. The ethnic composition of the population according to the results of the National Population Census 2021 is as follows: Kazakhs - 70.4%, Russians - 15.5%, Uzbeks - 3.2%, Ukrainians - 2%, Uyghurs - 1.5%, Germans - 1 .2%, Tatars – 1.1%, Azerbaijanis – 0.8%, Koreans – 0.6%, Turks – 0.5%, Dungans – 0.4%, Belarusians – 0.4%, Tajiks – 0.3%, Kurds – 0.3%, Poles – 0.2%, Kyrgyz – 0.2%, Chechens – 0.2%, other nationalities – 1.4%.
• The country's mineral resource base consists of more than 5 thousand deposits, the estimated value of which is estimated at tens of trillions of dollars. The republic ranks first in the world in proven reserves of zinc, tungsten and barite, second in silver, lead and chromite, third in copper and fluorite, fourth in molybdenum, sixth in gold.
• Kazakhstan also has significant oil and gas resources (9th place in the world in terms of proven oil reserves), which are concentrated in the western regions. In addition, the republic ranks 8th in coal reserves and 2nd in uranium reserves.
• Kazakhstan is among the world's top ten grain exporters and is one of the leaders in flour exports. 70% of arable land in the north is occupied by grain and industrial crops - wheat, barley, millet. Rice, cotton, and tobacco are grown in the south of the country. Kazakhstan is also famous for its gardens, vineyards, and melons. One of the leading areas of agriculture is animal husbandry. Kazakhstan is located in the heart of the Eurasian continent. Its territory is 2,724,900 sq. km (1,049,150 sq. miles). It is the second largest country in the CIS and the ninth largest in the world. In terms of its territory, Kazakhstan is larger than the twelve countries of the European Union! Kazakhstan borders China, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Russia. The total length of the borders is 12,187 km. Over the years of independence, Kazakhstan has attracted about $400 billion in foreign direct investment. Gross international reserves as of December 1, 2022 amounted to $89.7 billion. The National Fund's assets increased to $55.8 billion.
• Kazakhstan's foreign trade turnover reached a historical maximum of $139.8 billion in 2023. The main export goods are products of the mining, fuel and energy, metallurgy and chemical industries, as well as agriculture.
• The republic’s main trading partners are Russia, China, European and the CIS countries.